0mega ☣ [pl] crt0mega@www.c-r-t.tk

Open on www.c-r-t.tk

Pronomen: er/sein (he/his)

Linux Gamer, Hobbyprogrammierer, Hardwarebastler. Betreibe einige private Dienste auf einem Low Budget Server. Facebookverweigerer und Fan dezentraler Systeme.


Latest articles

Running Server76 on Debian

A simple step-by-step guide for setting up Server76 on Debian

Alle ActivityPub-Kontakte aus Hubzilla exportieren

Wie ich meine Kontakte zu MissKey umzog

DRM-free Steam games

Steam is DRM, or is it? Some games on Steam are DRM-free. You need a client to download them, but you often don't need it for playing them.

pfsshell added to repository

I recently stumbled upon another nifty tool and added it

HDL Dump added to repository

Another little utility has been added to my personal Debian repository

Hi there
