The Kyiv Independent [unofficial]
Unofficial posting for The Kyiv Independent daily update & summary from Ukraine
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I'm a grizzled liberal here mostly for politics but also keen to read posts on literature, poetry, Husserl, German Idealism, and continental philosophy. Other interests include: birding, fountain pens, knitting, choral music (baroque polyphony rocks!), cooking, and gardening. My bark is worse than my bite.
Musician and barista.
Profile with moments of my daily life.
Gianluca Colani
Teacher - loving Poland from Hel to Chełm and from Słubice to Śnieżka. Always looking for the truth - knowing that it's very hard to find.
Peter J Fullagar 🏳️🌈
Gay/Queer/GreyAce ELT editor, writer, consultant.
books | crime reader | family history | cats | humanist | anxiety
TERFs unwelcome.
Alt: profile pic of cis white bald bearded man in black and white.
Michael Hall
Torsten Göhler
Amnesty Duesseldorf
Hier informiert Amnesty International Düsseldorf über aktuelle Themen und Aktionen
Curiosa 🦋
🦋 Many interests ~ never enough time🦋